A Cut Above – Salon Cure’s Free Wigs for Cancer Patients – The DRIVE Magazine
A wonderful article on pages 52-54 of The DRIVE Magazine Issue 152 entitled “A Cut Above: Salon Cure’s compassionate initiative transforms lives through free wigs for cancer patients.”

Salon Cure – Celebrating 20 Years in Our Riverside Magazine
We’re celebrating 20 years of business in Our Riverside Magazine.

Salon Cure is recently renovated and growing! Salon Cure is a certified Green Circle Salon, we are a very busy full service shop. Do you have a passion for what you do? We are looking for a full and part time stylist. Minimum 1 year experience

"We are successful because we care, love, and are passionate about what we do."
We began offering quality hair care and aesthetic services in September, 2003, at our previous salon on the corner of Wyandotte St. E. and Arthur Rd. Since then, we have moved to a more spacious location on the corner Wyandotte St. E. and St Mary’s Blvd.

Products for You and the Planet
The products we lather our bodies in greatly affect how we look and feel. At Salon Cure, we ensure only quality creams, sprays, and lotions touch your skin and hair. Because our mission is in part eco-conscious, you can also rest assured what goes on you is friendly to the environment.